February 21, 2013

Materiale necesare pentru targ

Un lucru bun, cam asa ar trebui sa inceapa postarea de azi. Vine sezonul Targurilor sau as prefera sa le zic mai bine Expozitii cu Vanzare, pentru ca stiu sau cel putin imi place sa cred ca fiecare participant a acestor manifestari se prezinta cu ganduri de a imprastia literalmente frumosul.
E aproape un an de cand noi am fost prezente la primul „targ„ si ne-ar fi prins cu siguranta bine cateva sugestii de cum sa ne prezentam si ce sa avem in ”papornite”.

Punctez mai jos o lista de lucruri considerate de noi utile:
+ carti de vizita - cat mai muuuuuulte
etichete pentru pret
mailing list - un tabel care poate fi personalizat cu numele vostru si care sa contina spatii pentru a putea colecta adrese de la cei care va viziteaza standul
calculator de buzunar
creioane si hartie
hartie pentru impachetat si pungi de diverse marimi, de preferabil din hartie
sfoara, ata decorativa, panglici, scotch dubluadeziv, cutter si foarfeci
ustensile voastre de lucru - cu siguranta veti avea timp liber
apa, fructe, un jerseu sau o esarfa mai groasa - indiferent de vreme-
pungi pentru gunoi.

Buna dispozitie, rabdare si optimism. Spornicie la cunoscut oameni noi!
P.S. Un multumesc ii pica mereu bine organizatorului care pana la urma v-a oferit un spatiu de desfasurare.

A good thing to withch it should start the posting today. The fair season comes or I prefer to say best selling venues because I know or at least I like to think that every participant of these events presents thoughts to spread literally beautiful.
It's almost a year since we were present at the first "fair" and we would definitely get better some suggestions on how to introduce ourselves and what we have in "papornite".

We point below a list of things we deem useful:
business cards - as many as you caaaan
labels for price
mailing list - a table that can be personalized with your name and contains space to gather addresses from those who visit your booth
pencils and paper
wrapping paper and bags of various sizes, preferably paper
rope, attached decorative ribbons, double sided tape, cutter and scissors
your work  tools- surely you have some spare time
water, fruit, a thicker sweater or scarf - regardless of the weather
garbage bags

Good humor, patience and optimism. All the best in meeting new people!
P.S. A thank you is always appreciated by the organizer which eventually has provided a space for development.

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