November 19, 2014

Window display DEILANI

Foto: Mihai Dan Mustea

Foto: Mihai Dan Mustea

Foto: Mihai Dan Mustea

Pretuim incercarile si cautarile care duc spre reusita si inspiratie continua. Ambianta si display-urile pentru vitrine se transforma intr-un atribut al caracterului Ocean Evenimente. Este vorba despre doua vitrine diferite ca amplasare, oras, marime si stil, dar care beneficiaza de aceeasi atentie din partea utilizatorului DEILANI.

Am scos din cotidianitate atributele toamnei prin culoare/textura si patina, un display care e un tribut asumat a ideilor cu riscurile aferente care contribuie la o schimbare de perceptie asupra ceea ce inseamna un mod de prezentare. Cea mai mare mandrie este faptul ca gasesti oameni care aspira la o prezentare acurata care scoate in evidenta o cautare de bonton.

Pentru noi, aceasta colaborare a fost absolut incredibila, iar ambianta realizata pentru DEILANI e pur si simplu un instantaneu contemporan care transmite un foliage de povesti pentru voi!

We value the attempts and searches that lead to success and to continue inspiration. The ambiance and the displays for windows turns into an attribute of Ocean Events character. These are two window displays  different as location, city, size and style, but they are receiving the same attention from the DEILANI's user.

We pulled out from everyday's life the autumn attributes through color / texture and strip, a display that is a tribute assumed, with the risks taken, of the ideas  that contribute to a change of perception on what is a manner of presentation. The greatest pride is that you find people who aspire to an accurate presentation that highlights a search of good taste.

To us, this collaboration was absolutely incredible and the atmosphere created for DEILANI is simply a snapshot that conveys a contemporary foliage of stories for you!

July 19, 2014

Marturii / Favors

Favors Ideas

Foto: Mustea Mihai Dan

May 26, 2014

Carusel / Carousel

Cu gandul la evenimente de tot felul, ne apropiem de ziua copilului si cumva aceasta se afla printre sarbatoriile la care merita sa te gandesti cu drag. Pentru noi, aceast eveniment intra in intretinerea standardelor noastre de buna dispozitie.
Te-am intreba, care sunt sarbatorile tale .... si care e lucrul care te trimite cu imaginatia la ele.

Din bucuria aceasta de iunie se inspira si lunea creativa de azi - caruselul. Te invitam sa printezi template-ul caruselului pe carton si sa incepi sa creezi lucruri evocatoare.

Thinking about events of all kinds, we are approaching the children's day and somehow this is among the celebration that is worth to think of dearly. For us, this event gets in  the maintenance of standards of our good mood.  
I would ask what are your holidays .... and which are the things that send your imagination to them. 

From the joy for this June inspires today's Creative Monday- the carousel. We invite you to print out the carousel template on board and start creating evocative stuff.

April 24, 2014

Interior inspiration

Un singur titlu de data asta avem, asa sa il priviti din ambele parti, interschimbabil. Inspiratie pentru birourile voastre de acasa, inspiratie cromatica de caracter care in functie de moment, primeste utilitatea cuvenita.
Nimic mai mult nu i se datoreaza omului harnic decat un spatiu de lucru pe masura.
Bine ne-am revenit la lucru sa ne facem planuri putine si ganduri multe directionate spre evenimente fericite.

A single title we have this time, so look at it from both sides, interchangeable. Inspiration for your home offices, color inspiration for each character depending on time, receives its proper utility. 
Nothing more is due to the diligent than as a work space. 

Well we returned to work to make little plans and many thoughts targeted to happy events.

 Birou / Desk

Accesorii / Accesories

April 17, 2014

April 14, 2014

Tricouri pentru Pasti / Easter T-Shirts

Ne aliniem la sarbatorile de Pasti, dar nu asa cum s-ar crede ci asa cum simtim noi. Suntem sigure ca veti gasi o gramada de idei de decoratiuni pentru sarbatorile Pascale. Trebuie doar sa faceti un search pe google despre decoratii de primavara, Easter DIY sau oua de Pasti. Sunt aproape sigura ca nu v-ati gandit la un outfit special pentru Pasti. Asa ca va propunem urmatoarele materiale necesare:

+ Acrilic sau marker colorat pentru textile
+ Tricou din bumbac
+ Pensule
+ Carton
+ Coli simple sau ziar

Inainte de-a incepe sa pictezi pe tricou, aseaza ziarul pe suprafata de lucru, pe urma pune cartonul in interiorul tricoului si incepi sa pictezi. La final se scoate cartonul si se lasa sa se usuce bine desenul.

Poti sa iti creezi propriul personaj intr-o maniera designista si primavaratica cu note personale. Sarbatori fericite!

We align to the Easter holidays, but not as one might think but as we feel it. We're sure you'll find lots of ideas for Easter decorations. Just make a search on google about Spring decorations, Easter DIY or Easter eggs, but I'm pretty sure you haven't thought of a special outfit for Easter. So we suggest you the several materials needed: 

+ Acrylic or textile marker 
+ Cotton T-shirt 
+ Brushes 
+ Carton 
+ Simple sheet or a newspaper 

Before you start to paint the T-shirt, place the newspaper or any sheet on the work surface, then place the cardboard inside the T-shirt and start painting. Finally, remove the cardboard and let the paint dry well. 

You can create your own character in a designist  and a springlike way with your own personal toch. Happy holidays!

April 9, 2014

Invitatii pentru nunta / Wedding invitations

Cel mai asteptat eveniment. Cred ca fiecare dintre noi are anual, un eveniment pe care il asteapta cu nerabdare, o zi de nastere, o vacanta sau... o nunta.
Ne incadram la capitolul nunta si mai ales o nunta in mai. Evenimentul care va imbraca  note de bujor, forme clasice cu accent romantic in culori de roz, visiniu si auriu. V-am convins? Intram in linie dreapta pentru nunta din primavara. O nunta ce ne caracterizeaza munca in displayuri si organizari de evenimente intru totul. Asa ca urmariti-ne, promitem sa prezentam ceea ce facem cu sincera pornire spre a fi folosite cu un zambet.

The most awaited event. I think each of us has an annual event that is looking forward to a birthday, a holiday or ... a wedding. 
We assigned the wedding chapter and especially a wedding in May. The event will dress up with peony notes, classic shapes with romantic accent colors of light pink, cherry-coloured and gold. Have we convinced you now? We go in a straight line for the spring wedding. A wedding that characterizes our work displays and events entirely. So follow us, we promise to present what we do with an honest starting and to be used with a smile.

April 7, 2014

Cupru / Copper

Accente de cupru da, da suntem convinse ca incetul cu incetul veti fi obisnuiti sa le folositi tot mai mult in creatiile voastre. E suficient sa aruncati o privire mai atenta catre blogurile de profil si veti observa ca, cuprul este una dintre propunerile rafinate de sezon. Orice ambianta se reinventeaza cu aceasta stralucire metalizata, dovada imaginea 3. Prezentam mai jos un tutorial gasit si placut pe

The copper accents yes, yes we are convinced that little by little you will be accustomed to use it even more in your creations. It's enough just to take a closer look at the blogs profile and you will see that copper is one of the finest seasonal proposals. Any environment is reinventing itself with this metallic luster, the proof is Figure 3. Below is a tutorial found and liked on

Copper Vases

Copper lights

Copper table

April 3, 2014

Calitati la un organizator de evenimente / Event planner qualities

V-ati gandit vreodata ce calitati trebuie sa aiba un organizator de evenimente?

Am gasit un articol interesant care puncteaza tocmai aceste aspecte. Va lasam sa le luati sau nu in considerare in eventualitatea in care doriti sa va completati caltatile de organizator: 

1. Puternice abilități interpersonale
2. Flexibil
3. Energic 
4. Creativ și inovativ 
5. Atent la detalii 
6. Abilitati de buna gestionare a timpului 
7. Pasionat și entuziast 
8. Abilități de conducere 
9. Puternice aptitudini organizatorice  
10. Tech-savvy

Have you ever thought what qualities must have an event organizer? I found an interesting article that points precisely these issues. We leave you to take them or not into consideration in the event that you want to add more to your qualities of an organizer:

1. Great interpersonal skills

2. Flexibility
3. Energetic
4. Creative and innovative
5. Keen eye for details
6. Good time management skills
7. Passionate and enthusiastic
8. Leadership skills
9. Superior organizational skills
10. Tech savvy

Event and 9 books


March 31, 2014

Jocuri cu oglinzi / Mirror displays

Saptamana trecuta am fost la Cluj, iar in aceasta combinatie intra o proba pentru o rochie de mireasa. Inspiratia de azi soseste de la vitrine, un soi de window watching pe fuga, o experienta personala la Bienala de la Venetia si uite asa le combinam pana ce ne vine ideea de a introduce displayuri de oglinzi ca si paravane pentru evenimente.
De aici e doar la un pas de un click sa gasim cele mai utile solutii de decorat oglinzi si de asezat exact asa cum trebuie.

Last week I was in Cluj and in this combination took place a prove for a wedding dress. Today's inspiration comes from the windows, a sort of window watching on the run, a personal experience at the Venice Biennale and just like that we combine them until we get the idea to introduce the mirrr displays as fences for events. 
Here's just one step away from a click to find the most useful solutions and decorated mirrors and to place them exactly as it fits right.

Doshi Levien - Myth and Material


Oval baroque mirror