Ramanem aceleasi fete caracterizate de pasiunea pentru munca si atentia pentru detaliu si totusi pentru a va inbuna, va lasam in compania lui Nathalie Boutté cu colaje care sunt tout cela à la foi.Putina rabdare si promitem sa revenim cu proiecte care sunt sigure ca o sa va placa.
It's pretty hard to start the posting today giving explanations that can not be divulged about the our absence, Ocean Evenimente. We can say that we prepare the decorations for a calendar and we get ready to move (at least one of us;)).
Still we remain the same girls characterized by a passion for hard work and attention to detail, yet too we will leave you to the company of Nathalie Boutté with collage that are tout cela à la foi.Have a little patience and we promising to return with projects that I'm sure you'll like it.
Imagini Nathalie Boutté |
Buna fetelor, chiar daca va scriu cu intarziere, va doresc mult succes in realizarea acestui proiect!