February 27, 2014

Bloguri / Blogs

Fie ca esti un cititor inrait sau pur si simplu iti place sa rasfoiesti, postarea de azi, fara dubii, va fi pe placul tau. Vorbim azi despre ceea ce este ON pentru Ocean Evenimente in materie de blogging. Blogurile care ne inspira, care ne fac sa le "rasfoim" dimineata si care ne ofera  notiuni, concepte, modele de expunere pentru evenimentele care le organizam. 

Mai sus sunt enumerate putine din cele peste 60 de bloguri, nu stam sa le numaram acum. Le-am asezat cuminte in Bloglovin si le urmarim de acolo cam de 4 ani incoace. Poate  asta o fi un ingredient care face diferenta sau aferenta?

Whether you are an avid reader or  you just like to browse our today's post, no doubt, will be on your taste. We are talking today about what is ON for Ocean Events in terms of blogging. 
Blogs that inspire us, that we "seek"  in the morning and that gives us the notions, concepts, patterns of exposure for the events we organize.

Above are listed a few from the 60 blogs that we read, we don't stay to count them now. We putted them quietly in Bloglovin  and we follow them for about four years. Maybe this will be an ingredient that makes the difference or is it related?

Image source: blogdelanine

February 24, 2014

Modele de tort / Cake samples

Am citit undeva pare-mi-se ca cel mai important element intr-o nunta -pentru francezi- este tortul.
Atingem acest subiect in Lunea creativa in urma unei discutii avute cu un amic, care este furnizor de decoratiuni pentru torturi pe regiunea Nord din Romania. 
Subiectul disputat s-a invartit in jurul a ceea ce se intelege din partea mirilor si ce se intelege din partea executantului prin expresia "tort la comanda pentru nunta". 
Noi, Ocean Evenimente intelegem prin comanda, o comanda de un anume blat, unde alegi o anume crema si o anume decoratie, in timp ce cofetarii inteleg prin comanda expunerea de 3 torturi create de la A la Z din care poti sa alegi un model, fie ca iti place fie ca ba.

Ne-a fost cu suparare. Asa ca, va invitam prin modelele care urmeaza, sa ne largim creativitatea la propriu si la figurat, intr-o LUNI care se vrea a fi de inspiratie CREATIVA.

I read somewhere that the most important element in a wedding - for french people - is the cake. 
So I want to touch this subject in Creative Monday's after a discussion that I had with a friend who is a provider of decorations for cakes in the North part region of Romania. 
The topic disputed is revolved around what is meant by the groom and bride couple and what the contractor understands through the expression "a order for a wedding cake." 
We as Ocean Events understand through this action, an order for a particular countertop, where you choose certain creams and a particular decoration, while bakeries understand by ordering, that you choose from 3 cakes  created from A to Z from which you can choose a model whether you like it or not. 

We where upset. So we invite you to see the models that follow, to extend our creativity literally and figuratively in a Monday that is intended to be of creative inspiration.

Tort chocolate mint terrarium

Tort sugar glitter layer

Tort brown butter layer

February 20, 2014

Infografice / Infographics

Personal am doua pasiuni in ultima vreme infographics si convertorul valutar -  a doua este o gluma :) 
Azi ne-am hotarat  sa vorbim despre infografice. Iata 2 grafice cu informatii relevante despre cum sa organizezi un eveniment: 

Aceste instrumente  pot sa va foloseasca in planificarea unui eveniment si mai ales va ajuta sa monitorizati rezultatele acestuia.

Speram sa gasiti de interes subiectele noastre. Inca ceva, fiti in trend dar adaptate la ideile voastre. Documentarea deja o aveti, trebuie doar sa cautati inphographics pentru evenimente sau toolkit pentru evenimente si uneltele incep sa se arate.

Personally I have two passions lately: the infographics and the currency converter - the second one is a joke :) Today we decided to talk about infographics. Here are two charts with relevant information on how to organize an event:

These tools can be used in planning an event and especially to help you monitor your results. 

We hope you find our topics interesting. One more thing, be in trend but adapt it to your ideas. The documentation you already have it so you just have to search for events inphographics or toolkit and the tools are beginning to show up.

February 17, 2014

Mix and match - supplies

In momentele de liniste te gandesti la viitoare proiecte si procesul e diferit, desigur. Noi pornim de multe ori de la mici indicii, acestea pot fi de la materiale, nasturi, hartie, difertte cuttere cu forme care rezulta ceva unic si cu personalitate.
Asta va sugeram noi azi in lunea creativa: go wilde cu accesoriile si accepta faptul ca nu trebuie sa aiba mereu o logica pentru a obtine rezultate inedite.
Spor la mix and match.

In quiet moments you might be thinking about future projects but the process is being different, of course. We start often from small clues, which may be of textile material, buttons, paper, different shape cutters that resuts in the end somenthing unique and with personality. This we suggest today on Creative Mondays: go wilde with accessories and accept the fact that you should not always have a logic to obtain unique results.

Good luck at mixing and matching.

Image source: RetraNaNa

Image source:  Rachel Tailor Design

February 13, 2014

Ceasuri de perete de Oana Befort / Wall Clocks by Oana Befort

Ne place ziua de joi si un motiv intemeiat pentru aceasta afirmatie ar fi ca joia ne place pentru ca putem sa scriem despre lucruri care ne plac, ne inspira sau ne fac sa respiram. De ceva vreme am descoperit-o pe Oana Befort.

Ilustratia si directia spune tot, care a ajuns si la noi.

We like Thursday and a good reason for this statement is that on Thursday we like that we can write about things we love, inspire us or make us breathe. For a while I discovered Oana Befort

Illustration and direction tells all and it arrived to us as well.

February 10, 2014

Lista cu Lucruri simple / Simple things list

Lucrurile simple si marunte ne fac sa mergem mai departe zi de zi. Uneori simtim nevoia de o schimbare a unei ordini stabilite in functie de prioritati, ordine in care se desfasoara lucrurile intr-o zi de luni, spre exemplu. Asa ca in tutorialul de azi veti avea nevoie de urmatoarele ustensile: un creion, o hartie - care se poate descarca de aici - si inspiratie pentru a va schita si reinventa sau renegocia programul pentru o zi.  Putem sa ne facem timp si de lucrurile simple care ne sunt aproape, de la un minut pentru udatul unei flori la rasfoitul unui album drag uitat in biblioteca. Pentru o schimbare cat de mica e nevoie de un dram de voie buna. Creaza-ti lista cu lucruri simple si pana pe joi va salutam cu drag!

Simple and small things make us move forward every day. Sometimes we feel the need for a change in an order determined by our priorities, the order in which things we have to do on Monday, for example. So in today's tutorial you will need the following tools: a pencil, a paper - which can be downloaded here - and inspiration to sketch, reinvent or renegotiate the schedule for a day. We can make time for the simple things that we are close to us a minute for watering a flower to look through an album fondly looked in the library. To make a  small change it takes a touch of happiness. Create your own list with small things and until Thursday we dearly salute you all!

February 6, 2014

Identitate vizuala cu Jeremy Maxwell/ Visual Identity with Jeremy Maxwell

Zilele acestea ne-am concentrat destul de mult asupra unor exemple de identitate vizuala si campanii realizate in varii domenii. Incercam sa ne indreptam cu pasi tiptili spre ceea ce suntem pregatite sa facem.
Un exemplu de identitate vizuala pe placul nostru este cea realizata pentru artistul Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert, cu atat mai mult cu cat acest artist lucreaza cu sticla, iar sticla ca si material, in ceea ce ne priveste se afla pe raftul materialor de bun gust. Campania e realizata de agentia  Hey Studio.
Elementele de baza pentru o identitate vizuala sunt urmatoarele:
- crearea unui logo
- carti de vizita
- hartie cu antet
- mapa personalizata
- plicuri personalizate

Aceasta este strict o postare care se inscrie in categoria de ale noastre, caci ne defineste in viziune si misiune.
Sa aveti parte de un weekend definit!

These days we focused quite a lot on some examples of visual identity and campaign conducted in various fields. We are going to try to move  with small steps towards what we prepared to do.

An example of visual identity for our liking is made ​​for the artist Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert, the more so as the artist works with glass and glass like a material, in our view is on the shelf materials from good taste. The campaign is conducted by the Hey Studio agency.
The basic elements for a visual identity are:
- Creating a logo

- Business Cards
- Letterhead
- Custom map
- Envelopes

This is strictly a post that falls into the category of our own, because defines us by the vision and mission.

We wish you a defined weekend!

February 3, 2014

Creaza-ti propriul font / Create your own font

Azi tehnologia e la indemana oricui, asa ca de data aceasta va provocam sa va creati propriul vostru set de caractere (cifre,litere, simboluri) conceput în același stil grafic, cunoscut si sub denumirea de font.

Iata un site in care puteti sa va creati proriul font – font care in lumea graficii face diferenta stilului de caracter folosit. Website-ul facil in utilizare fiind suficient crearea unui cont de utilizator.  FontStruct este un editor de fonturi on-line, gratuit, ceea ce înseamnă că puteți crea propriile fonturi direct într-un browser web,  un atuu fiind faptul ca nu necesita instalarea unui program pe computer.

Odată ce sunteți mulțumit cu munca voastra, puteți salva și descărca ca un fișier de font TrueType (. TTF) putand fi instalat pe computerul vostru fiind gata de  utilizat. Dupa ce ati creat fiecare litera in parte, puteti vizualiza printr-un preview cum arata lucrarea finala.
 Exemple de utilizare:  font web personalizat pentru site-ul sau blogul vostru. 
Ca orice basm fiecare literă are propria sa istorie  asa ca azi a sosit momentul să va creati propriul vostru basm. 

Today the technology is available to everyone, so this time we challenge you to create your own set of characters ( numbers, letters, symbols ) designed in the same style graphics , also known as the font.

Here's a site where you can create proriul font - font make the difference in the world of graphics character style used . Website ease of use is enough to create a user account . FontStruct is a font editor online for free, which means you can create your own fonts directly in a web browser , an advantage is that it does not require installing a program on your computer.

Once you are satisfied with your work, you can save and download a TrueType font file ( . TTF) that can be installed on your computer and is ready to use. After you have created each letter in part, you can view a preview as shown by the final alphabet created.

Examples of use: custom web font for your website or blog.

Like any fairy tale each letter has its own history so that today it is time to create your own fairy tale.

Vizitati site-ul fontstruct / Fontstruct site