Ideea ne-a venit de fapt de Revelion, pentru ca am fost chemate pentru o decorare a unui resteaurant adhoc, asa ca, intorcandu-ne tarziu nu am mai avut mult timp la dispozitie pentru aranjamentele noastre. Intentionam sa facem niste port servetele vesele, insa din criza de timp am aruncat literamente nasturii pe masa.
Am regandit cu modificari primavaratice aranjamentul pentru voi, si stiti ceva, da e enorm de simplu de realizat insa, armonia de culori nu ne-o ia nimeni, so enjoy.
We look forward for spring ro come and nothing proves more than our desire for sun, green and flowers than today's tutorial.
The idea actually came on New Year Eve, but because we were called for an ad hoc decorating resteaurant so, and returning late we have not had much time for our arrangements. We intended to make some cheerful napkins port, but as we were running out of time, literally we threw the buttons on the table.
We redesigned the spring arrangement with changes for you, and you know what, yes is awfully easy to do it, but the harmony of colors nobody takes it from us, so enjoy.
Salut Cristina,
ReplyDeletemultumim mult de urari. Sa ai parte de un an spornic la postari si sa "ninga" cu filme bune in contiunare pana la venirea primaverii :).
Carmen - jumatatea Ocean Handmade, pasionata si de filme.