Colega mea Carmen a creat pentru voi etichete care sa se potriveasca cat mai mult cu personalitatea voastra artistica si care sa atraga privirile vizitatorilor. Stim ca februarie si martie sunt lunile targurilor si expozitilor. Si credeti-ma, nimeni nu vrea un produs impachetat in plastic si fara eticheta.
Asa ca ne adresam voua, acelora care faceti ca lucrurile create de voi sa treaca printr-un proces lent, constincios de creatie si care adaugati in fiecarea creatie iz de apreciere pentru traditia mestesugurilor.
Buna sa ne fie inima, ca doar e inceput de an si mult succes in pregatirile pentru martisor si primavara!!!
P.S. Asteptam poze cu lucrurile create de voi cu etichetele Oceanhandmade.
February is for us the labels month. Yes, yes we want to simplify the situation and offer you labels "for free" to save time and to show that you "think" your product to the last detail.
My colleague Carmen created for you a label that fits as much with your artistic personality and to make curious the visitors eyes. We know that February and March are the months of Fairs and Exhibitions. And believe me, nobody wants a product packed in plastic and unlabelled.
So we adress to you, those who make things created by you to go through a slow process of creation and who conscientiously add every hint of appreciation for creative crafts tradition.
Good to be our heart, that's just the beginning of the year and good luck in preparations for martisor and spring!
P.S. We are waiting for pictures of things created by you with Oceanhandmade labels.
Se pot descarca de aici etichetele. |
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