March 11, 2013

Plicuri Partea 1 / Envelopes Part 1

Plicuri inspirate si sugestii de mici atentii pentru evenimentele organizate de voi.
Cu asta speram sa va castigam atentia luna aceasta. In fiecare luni avem un model de plic nonconformist realizat de colega mea Carmen, iar joi scriem despre cosmetice naturale, cutii de chibrituri si obiecte din portelan. Sunt sigura ca v-am facut curiosi macar pentru moment.

Aici gasiti materialele necesare si instructiunile pentru plicul pe care vi-l propunem azi.
Materiale necesare:
+ carton - format A4
+ liniar
+ foarfeca
+ snur
+ perforator
Se indoaie foaia la mijloc si se taie din ea o bucata de 3 cm pentru a ajunge la forma dorita. Se pliaza marginile foii jumatate de centimetru in interior, taiati excesul de hartie rezultat. Perforati la mijloc plicul obtinut si inchideti-l cu snurul dorit.

Primavara inspirata tuturor!

Inspired envelopes and suggestions of small gifts for events organized by you.
We hope to gain your attention with this, this month. Every Monday we have for you nonconformist envelope, model made ​​by my colleague Carmen and on Thursday we are writing about natural beauty products, matchboxes and porcelain objects. I'm sure I did at least for now, made you curious.

Here you can find the necessary materials and instructions for the envelope that we propose today.

Materials needed:
+ Cardboard - A4
+ Ruler
+ Scissors
+ Cord
+ Paper punch

Bend the sheet  in the middle and cut from it a piece of 3 cm to reach the desired shape. Fold the edges half-inch inside, cut the excess paper resulted. Punch the middle of the envelope and close it with the desired cord.
Inspired spring to all!

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