March 24, 2014

Decoratiuni pentru pereti / Wall decorations

In ceea ce ne priveste, timpul joaca un rol important in ce cream sau in ce postam pe blog.
Azi va inspiram cu o artista care se dovedeste a fii o incantare pentru ochi si pentru peretii albi. Legatura dintre ea si evenimente, este destul de simplu, asorteaza „zidurile„ dupa eveniment si vei avea parte de mai multa ambianta si unitate in decor.
Pentru detalii, inspecteaza
P.S.: Acordati atentie si mesajelor - sunt la fel de inspirante ca imaginile.

In what concern us, time plays an important role through what we create or we post on the blog. Today we inspire you with an artist who proves to be a delight for eyes and white walls. 
The connection between her and the events, it's quite simple, it harmonizes "walls" after the event and you'll get more ambiance and décor unit. 
For details, please inspect
P.S.: Pay attention also to messages - they are as inspiring as the images.

 Gallery of adorable stuff.

Good things are coming our way.


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