January 9, 2014

Decoratiuni de Nunta / Wedding Decorations

Cum ai planui un eveniment sau ce insemna styling de eveniment? Începi dintr-un punct si te trezesti ca ajungi intr-o alta directie si cam toate astea insumeaza 2013, un an de calitate si nu de cantitate. Un an cu evenimente personalizate si propuneri trimise si modificate pana cand ajungi sa schimbi multe email-uri cu o mireasa.

2013 a fost anul in care am asociat hartia cu pattern-uri cu flori si plante naturale din care a iesit o combinatie nastrusnica si atipica, intrucat cei care vin la noi, OCEAN EVENIMENTE stiu ca ne place sa desenam in afara conturului si spun eu, ca le-am desenat bine anul acesta.

How would you plan your event or what does an event styling mean? You start from a point and you find yourself getting into a different direction and that's all that sums up 2013, a year of quality and not of quantity. One year with custom events and proposals submitted and modified until you get to change lots of emails with a bride.

2013 was the year in which we associated the paper with flowrish patterns and natural plants that came out from an atypical combination, because those who come to us OCEAN EVENTS know we like to draw out the outline and I say that we drew pretty good this year.

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