January 23, 2014

Targ de nunti cu Ocean Evenimente / Wedding Fairs with Ocean Events

Ce inseamna sa te prezinti la un targ la care nu ai mai participat inainte nici macar in postura de vizitator? Ei bine asta doar noi puteam sa facem si nu doar asa pe ne ve, ci  in stil hard core de 10 ore de stat intr-un centru comercial. Vorbim azi despre prezenta Ocean Evenimente in cadrul Targului de nunti - Gold Expo Wedding de la Gold Plaza din 17-19 ianuarie 2014.

Participarea noastra la eveniment a fost un duo creat intre Ocean Evenimente si Mihai Mustea Dan – www.nunta.musteamihaidan.com si din punctul nostru de vedere  a fost o miscare de bun augur, iar daca printre voi se numara si cititori care fac exact ceea ce facem noi, creatie si realizare piece by piece de decoratiuni si display-uri create manual fiti atenti la ce zic- angajati-va o fata draguta, zambitoare si odihinita care sa reusesca sa stea 10 ore la stand timp de 3 zile!!! Din punctul meu de vedere aceasta a fost cea mai mare greseala pe care am facut-o. In ceea ce priveste expozitia noi am devenit mai increzatoare in ce putem face deoarece ne-am pus in papucii participantilor si credem cu fermitate ca i-am putea scoate cu bine la capat. In ceea ce priveste aceiasi expozanti, sper ca s-au pus si ei in postura de a idea, realiza, picta si lacui peste 600 de flori, caci atatea am avut.

As dori sa inchei prin a aminti persoanele de la care am avut parte de energie si bun simt: Lara Sweet Events, Clubul Campionilor, Anais Decor, fetele dragute de la Ceconii, Diana, doamna de la Deko Style, fotografii, prietenii lui Mustea si tuturor celor care au acceptat provocarea de a gandi intr-o alta incadrare stilistica un eveniment care se vrea personalizat.

Revenim la Lunea creativa si va vom da ”reteta” de realizare a florilor prezente la targ. V-am spus doar ca nu avem ce ascunde.

Sa ne fie de bine si de invatat!

What does it mean to present yourself in a fair that you haven't even participated before or in posture of a visitor? Well that one only we could do it, not just by not seeing it, but in a hard core style by sitting  10 hours in a shopping center. We are talking today about the participation of Ocean Events at the Wedding Fair - Gold Wedding Expo at Gold Plaza on 17-19 January 2014.

Our participation at the event was a duo created between Ocean Events and Mustea Dan Mihai - from our point of view it  was an auspicious movement, and if  among readers include the ones who do exactly what we do, creation of decorations and production piece by piece,  displays created manually just pay attention to what I say - commit to a pretty girl smiling and rested who will manage to stay 10 hours in a stand for 3 days! From my point of view it was the biggest mistake we did. Regarding the exhibition we have become more confident in what we do because we put in the shoes of the participants and we firmly believe that we could get well again. Regarding the same exhibitors, hope, and they were put in the position of ideation, designing, painting and varnishing over 600 flowers, because we had so many of them.

I would like to conclude by reminding those that gave us energy and good sense: Lara Sweet Events, Champions Club, Anais Decor, the pretty girls from Ceconii, Diana, the lady at the Deko Style, the photographers - Mihai's friends and to all those who have accepted the challenge to think in a different style framing an event which wants to be customized.

We come back on Monday, and will give the creative "recipe" for making flowers present at the fair. We just said, we have nothing to hide.

 Be good and keep on learning!

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