January 30, 2014

Reviste pentru evenimente si styling / Events and Styling Magazines

Am mentionat in multe conversatii care le-am purtat cu persoane care simpatizau munca noastra sau celor care erau uimiti de ideile noastre ca un lucru important pentru noi in aceasta combinatie de arhitectura, istoria artei, graphic design, comunicare si organizare de evenimente il constituie documentarea.

Azi vrem sa va scoatem la iveala ce rasfoim digital de 3 ani incoace. Prin urmare sursa noastra de inspiratie si bun gust, o interdisciplinaritate regasita este in revistele SweetPaul, PoppyTalk si Frankie. Pana in 2013 am urmarit cu interes si N.E.E.T magazine, din pacate revista nu mai exista. Se pare ca acum a ramas doar cartea N.E.E.T - o provocare mereu actuala - everly true.

We mentioned in many conversations we had with people who were sympathetic to our work and our ideas or to those who were amazed by our ideas that an important thing for us in this combination of architecture, art history, graphic design, communication and events is the documentation part. 

Today we want to bring to light digital magazines that we are browsing 3 years from now. Therefore our inspiration and good taste, an interdisciplinary retrieved is in Sweet Paul, PoppyTalk and Frankie magazines. By 2013 I watched with interest and NEET magazine, magazine unfortunately no longer exists. But it seems that now remained only the NEET book - a continuous challenge - Everly true.

 Frankie magazine

 Poppy Talk magazine

 Sweet Paul magazine

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