January 27, 2014

Flori din hartie manuala

Promisiunea e promisiune. Am promis la inceputul anului ca va vom da TOATE secretele noastre. Da, da toate secretele noastre pentru ca vrem sa va impartasim tot ceea ce stim si facem. Asta din doua motive, unul pentru a vrem sa va dezvaluim cata documentare se ascunde in urma unui display personalizat, unic, iar al doilea  e ca vrem ca cititorii nostri sa isi dea seama de complexitatea termenului ~realizat de mana~ .

Saptamana trecuta am promis sa va dezvalum “reteta” florilor de hartie cu care ne-am prezentat la expozitia de nunti, deci fiti pe faza, notati si mai cu seama folositi-va imaginatia pentru a vedea procesul creativ si pentru a-l particulariza  cromatic.

+ Hartie realizata manual:  Instructiuni hartie manuala
+ Pensula groasa
+ Aracet
+ Forme din plasa de plastic sau aluminiu – va trebui sa va creati singuri formele care sa fie      sferice
+ Pheon
+ Culori tempera
+ Lac pentru vernisat

Odata ce aveti ustensilele cerute, puneti un strat de hartie pe care ati realizat-o asemenea video-ului de mai sus pe sferele din sita, peste stratul de hartie, aplicati cu pensula un strat de aracet, adaugati o alta hartie peste, aplicati un alt strat de aracet, noi am continuat acest proces de 3 ori, puteti realiza cate straturi doriti. E important sa incheiati procesul cu un strat de aracet. Dupa ce ati ajuns la grosimea dorita uscati formele fie cu phoen-ul fie le lasati intr-un mediu cald de pe o zi pe alta.

Odata ce e uscata forma o desprindeti de pe suport si o pictati cu acrylic sau tempera, lasati sa se usuce 15-30 de minute si incheiati totul cu lac protector. Rezultatul?

Asteptam cu nerabdare incercarile voastre si desigur intrebari si sugestii. Sa avem parte de o saptamana spornica.

A promise its a promise. We promised at the beginning of the year, that we will reveal all our secrets. Yes, yes all our secrets that we would be thrilled to share, everything we know and we do. This is for two reasons, one is that we need to reveal how much documentation is hiding behind a unique and personalized display and the second is that we would like our readers to realize the complexity of the term ~ Hand made ​​~.

Last week as promised we will reveal the  " recipe " of paper flowers that we presented ourselves at the exhibition of weddings. So stas tuned, take notes and most of all use your imagination to see the creative process and mostly to customize it by picking the right combination of colors.

+ Handmade paper: make manual paper
+ Thick brush
+ Glue
+ Forms of plastic or aluminum mesh - you have to create your own forms to be spherical
+ Hairdryer
+ Colors - tempera
+ Varnish

Once you have the required tools, put a layer of paper that you made ​​just like in video above, putting them on the spheres of the screen, on top of the paper apply a layer of glue brush, add another paper over and apply another layer of glue. We continued this process 3 times, you can use how many layers you want. It is important to complete the process with a layer of glue.
After you have reached the desired thickness either dry with hair drier forms or let them in a warm environment from one day to another.

Once it's dry you can detach if from the support and with acrylic or tempera paint them as you wish. Ten let it dry for 15-30 minutes and finish it with protective varnish. The result?

We look forward to your endeavors and of course questions and suggestions. Lets all have an active week!

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