February 20, 2014

Infografice / Infographics

Personal am doua pasiuni in ultima vreme infographics si convertorul valutar -  a doua este o gluma :) 
Azi ne-am hotarat  sa vorbim despre infografice. Iata 2 grafice cu informatii relevante despre cum sa organizezi un eveniment: 

Aceste instrumente  pot sa va foloseasca in planificarea unui eveniment si mai ales va ajuta sa monitorizati rezultatele acestuia.

Speram sa gasiti de interes subiectele noastre. Inca ceva, fiti in trend dar adaptate la ideile voastre. Documentarea deja o aveti, trebuie doar sa cautati inphographics pentru evenimente sau toolkit pentru evenimente si uneltele incep sa se arate.

Personally I have two passions lately: the infographics and the currency converter - the second one is a joke :) Today we decided to talk about infographics. Here are two charts with relevant information on how to organize an event:

These tools can be used in planning an event and especially to help you monitor your results. 

We hope you find our topics interesting. One more thing, be in trend but adapt it to your ideas. The documentation you already have it so you just have to search for events inphographics or toolkit and the tools are beginning to show up.

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