Am citit undeva pare-mi-se ca cel mai important element intr-o nunta -pentru francezi- este tortul.
Atingem acest subiect in Lunea creativa in urma unei discutii avute cu un amic, care este furnizor de decoratiuni pentru torturi pe regiunea Nord din Romania.
Subiectul disputat s-a invartit in jurul a ceea ce se intelege din partea mirilor si ce se intelege din partea executantului prin expresia "tort la comanda pentru nunta".
Noi, Ocean Evenimente intelegem prin comanda, o comanda de un anume blat, unde alegi o anume crema si o anume decoratie, in timp ce cofetarii inteleg prin comanda expunerea de 3 torturi create de la A la Z din care poti sa alegi un model, fie ca iti place fie ca ba.
Ne-a fost cu suparare. Asa ca, va invitam prin modelele care urmeaza, sa ne largim creativitatea la propriu si la figurat, intr-o LUNI care se vrea a fi de inspiratie CREATIVA.
I read somewhere that the most important element in a wedding - for french people - is the cake.
So I want to touch this subject in Creative Monday's after a discussion that I had with a friend who is a provider of decorations for cakes in the North part region of Romania.
The topic disputed is revolved around what is meant by the groom and bride couple and what the contractor understands through the expression "a order for a wedding cake."
We as Ocean Events understand through this action, an order for a particular countertop, where you choose certain creams and a particular decoration, while bakeries understand by ordering, that you choose from 3 cakes created from A to Z from which you can choose a model whether you like it or not.
We where upset. So we invite you to see the models that follow, to extend our creativity literally and figuratively in a Monday that is intended to be of creative inspiration.
Tort chocolate mint terrarium |
Tort sugar glitter layer |
Tort brown butter layer |
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