March 3, 2014

8 Martie si Mame Cool / 8 of March and Cool Mums

Putem sa sarim peste Valentine's day, chiar si peste martisor insa, nu putem sa trecem cu vederea ziua mamei. Postarea de azi se adresesaza tuturor mamelor cool, acelora care isi sprijina ficele indiferent de alegere, de atitudinea care o adopta fata de viata, de cariera neobisnuita pe care o profeseaza si in care se incapataneaza sa reuseasca. Pentru tot acest ansamblu portretistic in care ne ambitionam sa reusim si in care ELE ne urmeaza cu incredere le dedicam Lunea Creativa.

Va invitam sa va inspirati in a construi buchete de flori pe placul acelora care nu le mai surprinde nimic in ceea ce va/ne priveste.

Lunea creativa are azi iz de 8 martie. Uram tuturor mamelor o primavara cu fiori de tot felul si de toate culorile.

We can skip Valentine's day, even over martisor however, we can not overlook Mother's Day. This post is addressed today to all cool mothers, to those who support their daughters regardless of choice, irrespective of the attitude they have towards life, regardless the unusual career that is stubbornly practicing and want to succeed in. For this entire portraiture that we ambition to succeed and in witch they follow us with confidence we dedicate the Creative Mondays. 

We invite you to be inspired to create flowers bouquets for those that no longer are surprised by anything that will concern you /us.

Creative Monday has today an 8 March flavor. We wish to all mothers a spring with thrills of all kinds and all colors.

Buchet DIY

Single flower

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